GameHistoryAllPlayers() API

This API request enables the operator to get the game history of all the players for a given time period. For now, RGS API sends up to 30 minutes of data per request.

GameHistoryAllPlayers() Request

API URLhttps://<API_BASE_URL>/games/game-history-all-players/
Headers"Content-Type": "application/json"
POST Parametersjson object e.g.:
"api_key": "1pghjl4v5apt2bks",
"amount_type": "real",
"start_date": "2020-05-26 13:30:00",
"end_date": "2020-05-26 14:00:35",
api_keyStringAPI Key allocated to each front-end
amount_typeStringMode using which game was played
start_dateStringStart date time in the following format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”
end_dateStringEnd date time in the following format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”

GameHistoryAllPlayers() Response + Example

    {"headers": ["Player ID", "Game ID", "Game Name", "Game          Category", "Platform", "Round ID", "Bet Amount", "Win Amount", "Amount Type", "Play Type", "Date Time", "Bet Status"], 
                ["1001", "1001", "Game-1 Title", "slots", "desktop", 1234, 100, 0, "real", "normal", "2020-05-05 10:20:57", "lose"], 
                ["1001", "1001", "Game-2 Title", "slots", "desktop", 1234, 100, 10, "real", "freespin", "2020-05-05 10:20:57"], 
                ["1001", "1001","Game-3 Title", "slots", "desktop", 1234, 100, 20, "real", "normal", "2020-05-05 10:20:57", "lose"], 
                ["1001", "1001","Game-4 Title", "slots", "desktop", 1234, 100, 0, "real", "respin", "2020-05-05 10:20:57", "win"]
Object/Key in Response ObjectTypeDescription
game_historyJSON ObjectResponse status
game_history[‘headers’]JSON List Table headers
game_history[‘data’]JSON List of ListsList of Lists of game rounds data