GameExit() API

Operator makes ExitGame() API request to RGS API to exit the player from the game. RGS API deletes the session ID of the player that was created earlier in DG back-end.

GameExit() Request

API URLhttps://<API_BASE_URL>/games/game-exit/
Headers"Content-Type": "application/json"
POST Parametersjson object e.g.:
"api_key": "1pghjl4v5apt2bks",
"username": "test_username",
api_keyStringAPI Key allocated to each front-end
usernameStringPlayer’s username

GameExit() Response + Example

Response would be in JSON format. Type: dictionary.

"result": {"status": "success"
Object/Key in Response ObjectTypeDescription
resultJSON ObjectKey result contains the JSON object as value.
statusStringResponse status