CreatePlayer() API

This API request enables the operator to register a player in DG system. Password sent in POST parameters by the operator must be encrypted.

CreatePlayer() Request

API URLhttps://<API_BASE_URL>/v1/player/create-player/
Headers"Content-Type": "application/json"
POST Parametersjson object e.g.:
"api_key": "1pghjl4v5apt2bks",
"player_id": "1025",
"username": "test_username",
"password": "passt84fas28",
"currency": "GBP",
"country": "HK",
api_keyStringAPI Key allocated to each front-end
player_idStringPlayer ID of the player known to the operator
usernameStringUsername of the player
passwordStringPlayer’s password
currencyString3 letter ISO currency symbol
countryString2 letter ISO country code

CreatePlayer() Response + Example

Response would be in JSON format. Type: dictionary.

"result": {"status": "success"
Object/Key in Response ObjectTypeDescription
resultJSON ObjectKey result contains the JSON object as value.
statusStringResponse status