GameRoundHistory() API

This API request enables the operator to check the specific round history as in a graphical representation.

GameRoundHistory() Request

API URLhttps://<API_BASE_URL>/games/game-round-history/
Headers"Content-Type": "application/json"
POST Parametersjson object e.g.:
"api_key": "bb0pxymddfe41b2m",
"game_id": 1032,
"player_id": "785956",

"round_id": "785956",
"language": "en"
api_keyStringAPI Key allocated to each front-end
game_idIntegerUnique ID of game.
player_idStringId of the player.
round_idIntegerRound ID of each play / spin
languageStringLanguage the game UI will be played in.

GameRoundHistory() Response & Example

	"result": {
		"round_info": ""

Object/Key in Response ObjectTypeDescription
resultJSON ObjectKey result contains the JSON object as value.
result.round_infoStringURL of player history